Monday, March 1, 2010

"I am A Christian"

I didn't write this, but I know it's true!

When I say, "I Am A Christian" ... I am not screaming that I am HOLY! - I am only whispering that I was lost and now I am found and forgiven.

When I say, "I Am A Christian" ... I am not saying this with pride. I am only confessing that I slip and I am a sinner and I need Christ to guide me.

When I say, "I Am A Christian" ... I am not trying to be strong. I only confess that I am weak and to continue my life I need His Power.

When I say, "I Am A Christian" ... I am not proud of my achievements. I only accept that I have failed and need God to fix my life and my wrong doings.

When I say, "I Am A Christian" ... I am not claiming to be perfect. My weakness and failures are obvious, but God values me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A time of prayer.

Before every yql show there is a time of prayer. This being my first show I didn't know what to expect. When they said that we were going to pray for 30 minuets I thought they were crazy. Thats a long time to pray. Our generation is one that expects things to be quick and fast. So 30 minuets (I thought) would seam like an eternity. But, I was very wrong.

We did, what I call, a popcorn prayer. One person starts the prayer then anybody can jump in and continue the prayer. There is really no particular order. We were incourage to also pray silently to ourselves.

I started to pray for the kids who were there, the cast, the band, the show, the outdoor stage, Sean's message and for the weather. Off and on I would stop and just listen to the prayers going on around me. Two in particular really touched me.

One of the interns prayers touch me so much that it brought me to tears... and I didn't even understand a word of it. You see... she said the prayer in Spanish. I wasn't expecting her to speak in Spanish, so I was caught off guard. It was the first time I had ever hear a prayer in another language. I don't really know what about it touched me so. But, went she started to speak the words came out so fluidly. It was truly like God was speaking through her.

The other was a guy who was sitting behind me. I don't know who it was but, I do know that his prayer was powerful! He prayed several different times and each time I felt the same way. Overwhelmed and astounded. I didn't know that prayers could be that deep and profound.

It was the most amazing time of prayer I have ever had the pleasure of being apart of. I am so utterly thankful that I am in the yql cast! God has showed me so many amazing things!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

YouthQuake Live Cast Retreat - Missions

During the cast retreat almost every single speaker told us to make our school, our home, and pretty much everywhere we go our mission field. I understood what it meant and I knew that I need to apply it to my life but, what I didn't know is that God was going to use that simple idea and make it come to life.

Over the summer all most every single one of my friends went on a missions trip... and I didn't. This year it just didn't happen. Needless to say I was extremely sad! But, I made the best of the opportunities that I was given. I was asked to be on the worship team for vbs. I was excited that God was still going to be able to use me summer! It was my "missions trip"! I saw God do some amazing things that week! I was so grateful that God had given me an opportunity to further His kingdom! The next week my friends came back from there missions trip and the stories and testimonies were unbelievable! I was happy for my friend but, hear all of the amazing thing that God did made me ever more sad that I couldn't go. I was so desperate to go on a missions trip that I even started looking at stuff for next year. Even thought I never outright told God how I felt about vbs and not going on a missions trip... He knew! He knew that the cry of my heart was to go on a missions trip!

The first (and only) night we were there our last speaker that day was Dave Szarmack. He had was all in the original Beaches Chapel Building. We had worship that us utterly incredibly!! You could feel the presence of God in that room! Then Dave got up and spoke a great message! And some where during that night God told me something that changed me and my view of yql.

God told me that He knew how much I wanted to go on a missions trip but, I wanted to go on the ones this summer for the wrong reason. And If I went on them I would have missed out on vbs.
He also told me that He was sending me on a year long missions trip. This season of YQL is my missions trip!!

I am no longer seeing yql as a fun thing to do, or a way to be with my friends, I am no longer taking it lightly! Yes, it will be fun! But, Its a missions trip! I am going to put as much energy and focus as I would on a two week missions.

I have heard that you should "make everywhere your missions field" probably a thousand times! But, God made those words come to life!! Now I have a passion for yql that I never had before! My God is BIG... So STRONG... So MIGHTY!!! There is NOTHING my God can't do!!